The picture above is the best we have of where we will be living in England. This is the Training Building at Springhead Park House, Rothwell, Leeds. Our home will be the middle floor of this building.
We have not asked for anything for our new home, but back in the Spring my sister let people know that we would be moving to England and many offered items that they no longer needed. So she and my brother-in-law have been collecting for us and a couple of weekends ago they delivered it all to our new home.
Below is a list of what has been given to us.
Slow Cooker
Brown Casserole dish
brown soup dishes
cereal dishes
weighing scales
Cheese grater in box
2 jugs
toast rack
Jelly mould
3 x veg dishes
3 x large / medium small
Large glass dishes
Butter dish with lid
6 x hot & cold mugs in box
Large Pyrex mixing bowl
Large green thermos
Container with lid
Pizza dish
Polyester cup with lids
Hand held grater
Ice cub tray
Potato peeler
Large fork
2 x small saucepans
Cutlery - 11 forks, 9 knives, 9 steak knives, 8 desert spoons, 10 or so tea spoons
Dinner service set all matching (all round unless otherwise stated)- 6 x large plates, 6 x small plates, 6 x large oval plates, 5 x small coffee cups with 6 saucers, 5 x bowls
4 x white tubs - good for herbs - I guess
1 x small plate
4 x bowls
3 x large cups (mug size) with 5 saucers
Plastic cutlery tray
1 x fridge (medium size - half way between a small English one and large American single one)
1 x washing machine
Double bed with mattress
Double bed with mattress
2 Chest of Drawers
Small trunk / chest
1 single bed with mattress - adult size
1 single bed with mattress - 4 foot size - ok for Deanna (never used)
1 single mattress
Wardrobe - single - with 2 drawers
Small Chest of Drawers
2 x set of king or double (will need to check size) duvet covers
1 x laundry basket
2 x bedside lamps
1 x lamp shade
2 x set of single duvet covers for kids beds
2 x Sofas - 1 is 2 seater and 1 is 3 seater - both with removable / washable white covers
tons of cushions
Display cabinet
Coffee table
Large Chair
TV - 14 inch
Up display spot light - really nice
Round table (was the one in the kitchen at Vicarage)
Toothbrush holder
2 x large towels
As you can see we have most of the stuff we will need and I have been told that since this list was compiled in the Spring more items have been added, including more beds, tv and other things. We really have been blessed by God's provision through the generosity of others, especially my sister and brother-in-law.