Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Day at the Zoo


We have recently been enjoying an Indian Summer here in St Louis, so we planned a family outing at the Zoo. We had a wonderful time. One of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability to take the field trips during nice weather and when the crowds are low.

During the day we saw many monkeys but, I'm not sure who was the biggest, the gorillia the kids were sitting on, or Jeremiah (take a close look at his face!!!)



Mama in Uganda said...

Thanks for your comment. As long as I keep my eyes on Jesus all is well--when peace like a river attendeth my way...it is well with my soul :) My eyes fill with tears when I truly think, this is what I was created for, to raise these precious souls for the sake of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I was having a regular lunch time with my team here in South Africa when I so through my leader's hands, a magazine with the picture of The Northcutt family!! How joyful my heart became seem you guys again!! Of course I got the blog address and I'm enjoying reading what God has been doing for this lovely family. I'm really proud of Nicolas!! I remember our time singing belly button's song... LOVE YOU GUYS ALWAYS!!