Sunday, November 30, 2008

Double Digits

I can hardly believe our oldest son, Daniel is now 10 years old. Where do the years go? As I was packing last week I came across several boxes of photos. Not much packing was accomplished but I did spend a few hours reminiscing over the days when my children were so small. Several of Daniel's baby pictures were in the boxes. What a cutie he was, and how he has grown!

Before I know it Daniel will be a man and his childhood just a memory. I pray the Lord will equip us in raising a boy who, we hope and pray, will become a God fearing man.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Daniel! Hey, I wanted you to know that the picture isn't coming through, at least not on my computer. I have no trouble seeing any of the other pics though so I am not sure what the difference is. I just get a white box with a red x in it.