Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yesterday Gary traveled to Haiti.

His purpose is to use the construction/maintenance talents that God has given him to help the body of Christ who are actively sharing the gospel with others.

During this visit most of his time will be spent working at a guest house for missionaries who need a safe place to stay while in the city.  The owner has a list of projects for him which, among other things, includes installing a water heater and trouble shooting an electrical problem.

We would appreciate your prayers for him and the work he is doing.  Please pray that the Lord would allow him to accomplish much during this week.  Also, that the Lord would guide him as he looks for places/opportunities where he (and others) may be able to serve in the future.




Adeye said...

So wonderful to see a post from you :)

Praying that Gary has an AWESOME time!

I hope you and your beautiful family are all doing well and loving life back in the States.

Faith Hope Love Infant Rescue said...

Gary just fixed the dryer, a ceiling fan and light kit, and a faucet at Faith-Hope-Love Infant Rescue in Port-au-Prince. All 26 kids and I are VERY grateful!