Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Children's Thoughts

Today for school I asked the children the following quesiton "What would you like to tell your Sunday School class at home about WEC and living in a castle?" This is what they wrote:

Daniel - There is lots of concrete and I like to skateboard.

Elaina - It's fun to live in a castle and there's lots of towers. There's a big playground, and a basketball hoop. We like to play basketball with Mark, a guy who takes care of us, and the other people taking care of us. It's not actually bad here. Adios amigos!

Nicholas - I like the dog and the dog's name is Percy and the playground and I like Mark.

Naomi - I like to sleep in the van. I like GPS. I like to go to the dining room. I like the chinese dolls on the book shelf.
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