Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brokenness to Forgiveness

Today Jeremiah stole a piece of candy. He managed to take it without anyone noticing, but when he was on his way to the playground he tripped over and it fell out of his pocket. Sarah (one of our childcare providers) noticed it and asked Jeremiah where he got it from. Jeremiah realized he had been found out, and told where he got it from. She then asked him if he took it or if someone gave it to him. He willingly admitted that he took it and she saw that his heart was broken. He also told Sarah (through his tears) that it was stealing. He was really upset and cried for quite a while.

Just before lunch he admitted to me what he had done and told me he was sorry. I encouraged him to pray and ask God for forgiveness. This was how his prayer went -

"Dear God, sorry I stealed the candy from Hillside – will you forgive me? ... Hey Mom!! He didn’t answer.” I was able to reassure him that the Bible tells us that God does forgive when we tell Him we are sorry. So Jeremiah was satisfied.

A little later I realized he also needed to ask for forgiveness from the person who is responsible for the candy at Hillside. So he willingly went and sought their forgiveness too. On our way back to the castle I asked him if he felt better inside now that he had asked for forgiveness and made things right. His reply was so precious. He placed his left hand on his heart and said “Even my own heart has forgiven me!”

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Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD for the faith of a child. If we could all follow that example our JOY in Christ would out shine the stars.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am crying now. That was beautiful!