Monday, August 25, 2008

True Contentment - Living in America

As I reflected on my adult life one of the first times I really struggled with being content was having to live in America. As most of you know I came to this country only to stay a year as a live-in-nanny. Then the story then goes that I met Gary and became stuck here. While I joke about it now – that was the way I felt (being stuck in America - NOT being stuck with Gary!!). For the first 2 years of our marriage I was very discontent in being in America. I longed to go home, longed to be with my family in a country I knew and understood. So, for a while Gary and I looked into moving to England. We got a British paper and looked for jobs. Gary was very willing to move … but I just knew that wasn’t what God wanted. I was discontent in my circumstances but God didn’t give me a peace about being in England either. Through prayer I came to the conclusion that God wanted me here.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

So after a couple of years of wanting my own way I finally surrendered my desires to God and vowed to make America my home and embrace whatever God had planned for me here. Little did I know that just about a year later we would start down the path of fostering and adopting children.

God's plans are so good - why do we ever doubt them?!

Part 2 (infertility) - tomorrow


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