Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jeremiah's Hard Day


This morning Jeremiah was NOT smiling like this. Instead he woke up quite upset. He thought he had heard his best friend Matthew in the house. He called out to me "Mom is Matthew here?" He was so excited. It just about broke my heart to tell him no. He didn't cry but you could see the deep sadness he felt which lasted most of the morning.

Thankfully I was able to spend some time with just him as we walked to the store at lunchtime (in the rain - which Jeremiah thought was great) He was able to talk and seems to feel a little better this afternoon.

Some days this transition seems so easy to the children and then other days they struggle. Please continue to hold them in your prayers as they (like us) miss friends.

Thank you

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Adeye said...

Ug---change is so hard for kids. I so understand. We have done it many time, our kids always long for the friends left behind. It WILL get easier. God bless you for your obedience to do what He has told you to do---even though the journey is so not easy.

Anonymous said...

What a picture! You know his eyes almost remind me of Elaina in that picture for some reason. Thank you for your prayers for my health, I think I am finally on the mend. The worst of the cold has left and only a dull sinus headache remains. We are praying for you and the kids and missing you as well.