Saturday, March 28, 2009

We Have Wheels!!


The Lord has been so good to us. We moved here with no money left to be able to buy a vehicle. Thankfully we have been able to get around using our legs and buses, but it hasn't been easy. The buses aren't cheap when you have to transport 8 people and grocery shopping is a little challenging!! Carrying the food has been a work out for my back. So, we asked the Lord if it would please Him, could He give us a vehicle.

This week He did just that. We do not own this van, but we have been lent it for a period of probably 6 months. It is an 8 seater Toyota van. It is also a diesel vehicle which will help keep down the expenses of running it.

We took our first trip in it last night, and apart from getting lost, everything went well. The kids love it as you can turn the middle seat around so they can face each other. Jeremiah was so impressed he wanted to sleep in it last night!! They are so excited that we don't have to catch 2 buses to get to church anymore (well, at least for 6 months).

I am amazed at (and incredibly grateful for) the generosity of this family. They had never met us yet are willing to lend us their van and for such a long period of time.

The best part is that we never asked anyone but God for it. Like always we took our need to God, and God alone, and He generously answered our prayer.

He is faithful!!

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