Friday, March 6, 2009

New Bikes


At the end of 2007 we had promised the children new bikes but instead of buying them for Christmas we told them they would get them once we arrived in England (thinking it we would arrive in the Summer 08, not February 09).

We knew the bikes would be cheaper to purchase in the States so we went to Walmart and picked out bikes. We were going to order them on line but for the first time since we lived in House Springs we could not get a dial tone for our internet service. We decided that maybe God didn't want us to order them right then. We were right because just 2 days later we found out that it was going to cost us $800 just to ship them to England. The Lord had saved us a great expense.


So after we arrived in England we ordered the bikes from Argos (similar to Service Merchandise). We had picked the bikes out from the catalogue. Again the Lord was good to us as almost every bike we had chosen was on sale. The only bike that wasn't on sale was Deanna's. Although, because of the sale we did find a nicer one which was now cheaper than the one we had originally chosen for her.

The kids have really enjoyed riding their bikes around the campus here, but I am not letting them loose in the park yet as we are still waiting for their helmets to arrive!!

The Lord continues to provide for us and the kids - and for that we are so grateful.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. James 1:17


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1 comment:

Adeye said...

Yayeeee---I am so happy for your kids. So glad they are having a blast :)