until we leave for Orientation at WEC's sending base in Fort Washington, PA. I can't believe there is so little time left before we leave. I also can't believe how much we still have to do before we go and these last few days haven't helped as many things seemed to have gone wrong.
It started last weekend when the washing machine broke
Then the pipe on our bathroom sink broke
Then on Tuesday I was stopped on my way home by a large tree that fell across the road. I know it happened not long before I got there as I was the first one on the scene of a fairly busy road.
Next, on Wednesday a routine doctors exam turned out to be not so routine as the doctor found something suspcious and sent me immediately for some tests.
Today we had doctor appointments for 4 of the kids - oh, and the furnace broke
I thank the Lord that:
Gary fixed the washing machine (at no cost!!)
He now has the part to fix the sink
I wasn't under the tree when it fell
My tests showed everything was okay
3 out of the 4 kids had a clean bill of health (Elaina has to get a check up for hearing and blood pressure issues)
Gary fixed the furnace otherwise it would have been a cold night
But what I was very thankful for was this encouragement - while I was at the hospital waiting for my test results I turned and saw a beautiful picture on the wall with this scripture beneath
Jeremiah 17:7-8
But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
It may not have been the easiest of weeks, but as long as I trust in the Lord, and continue to be fed by His Word (the Scriptures), I do not have to be afraid of anything and through everything He will still use my life and He will get the glory.
God is good!
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