Sunday, March 23, 2008

God's Goodness (via CVS!!)

Last week I was wanting to plan a small Easter egg hunt for the kids for today, but couldn't justify buying the plastic eggs (seeing we won't be able to use them again as we won't be in this country next Easter), but then, thanks to Crystal at Money Saving Mom I discovered that CVS was selling them for 99 cents with 99 cents ECB (basically making them free). So I decided it was time for me to do my first CVS trip. (Some items are not pictured as I gave them away before I decided to take a picture)

This is what I purchased

1 Pot of Gold chocolates - $8.95
2 Listerine Smart Rinse mouth wash - $5.98
2 Oral B toothbrushes - $9.98
2 bags Jelly beans - $1.98
2 bags of plastic eggs $ 1.98
4 Johnson Easy Grip Soap $3.96

Total before sales and coupons $32.83

Sales (with CVS card)
$3.96 off of the chocolates
$1.00 of each of the mouth washes
$0.50 of each toothbrush

1 CVS $4 off $20
$1.00 off each Easy Grip Soap
$1.00 of each mouth wash

Total after sales and coupons $19.03

As you can see this was a pretty good deal - it gets better - I also got $24.91 in ECB (Extra Care Bucks - which are printed on the bottom of the receipt to be used like cash on the next visit to CVS)

So after I got home I realized that this CVS thing works and decided to return the next day to buy some other products that would be free (after ECB). So I went back and purchased the items in the second picture (oh and a lipstick that didn't make the picture)

This is what I purchased
1 box Pot of Gold chocolates
3 Johnson Easy Grip Soap
2 Nivea men's shaving cream
5 CVS Vitamin C tablets
1 Maybeline lipstick

I purchased these in 2 transactions. The first transaction came to $18.94, after sales, coupons and ECBs my total was $0.01
The second transaction came to $27.86, after sales, coupons and ECB my total was $2.99

$3.00 oop
(out of pocket) was my total for the day - not bad for $46.80 worth of products PLUS I came home almost $28.00 of ECB!!!

One of the things I like best is that I can give away many of these items. Here at WEC we have a place where we can put items that others can take if they have need for it. I was so excited that all the items I placed there were gone within just a few hours. The Lord enabled me to help others - that was the real blessing.


1 comment:

AHarbit said...

i wish i could be there deal hunting with you! we need a cvs here! please know that every time i get a papercut from those pesky coupons, i smile and think of my great economics teacher (yes, you!) :P
andrea harbit