Friday, March 7, 2008

Provisions from the Lord


It has been really interesting this week to see the different ways the Lord has provided for us. Let me start with the story of the free cereal. Thanks to Crystal at Money Saving Mom I learnt about some good deals on cereals at a local grocery store and which websites had coupons for these cereals. I planned and printed coupons and left for the store hoping to get a good deal. The deal I did get was even better. Before sales the total for 11 boxes of cereal was $46.09. After sales and coupons the total came to $0.00. Yes, you read it right $0.00. I thank the Lord for providing.


Anonymous said...

God is so good! That is such a blessing to have that many boxes of cereal for $0.00.

Anonymous said...

that is an amazing blessing!
Concerning the QF roll, I need you to email me. You can find my email in my profile, thanks.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great job! It's cool that you gave God the credit! I love that!
~The Bargain Shopper Lady

Anonymous said...


Ping III said...

Hi from Britt and Loretta and kids... Keep up the posts. We're out here watching. I can't believe how fast you've been moving and blogging.
I'll email more.